Singlehood in America - a look at the ACS Census

I will be looking at data from the American Community Survey and try to find patterns in the way Americans date, marry and divorce. This is still work in progress but I figured I’d add some plots and maps to begin with.

Marital Status by Age
Ratio of Single Men to Women Aged 18 to 35 
           <br> (Hover for breakdown)

and looked at the ratio of single men to single women aged 18 - 35 with a college degree. Here’s the graph below. It’s not looking so good for the ladies I am afraid. Move your mouse over any state to find more detailed information.

I am also including the code. I used ACS census data and some munging to get the ratios by state then used the plot_ly function to plot the maps and graphs above.


load("/Users/alexpapiu/Documents/R/ACS Census EDA/census.Rd")

ysingles <- filter(cens, AGEP >= 18, AGEP <= 35, MAR %in% c(2,3,4,5)) <- filter(ysingles, SCHL %in% 20:24)

singbysex <- table(ysingles$SEX, ysingles$ST)
ratios <- singbysex[1,]/singbysex[2,] #ratios

singbysex.col <- table($SEX,$ST)
ratios.col <- singbysex.col[1,]/singbysex.col[2,] #ratios for college

df <- read.csv("")

ggplotly(ggplot(cens.over15, aes(x = AGEP, ..count.., fill = as.factor(MAR))) +
        geom_density(position = 'identity', alpha = 0.4) +
        xlab("Age") + ylab("Count") +
        scale_fill_discrete(name = "Marital Status", 
                            labels = c("Married", "Widowed", "Divorced",
                                       "Separated", "Never Married")))

singles.state <- data.frame(code = df$code, ratios = ratios[-11],
                            ratios.col = ratios.col[-11]) #no washingoton DC
singles.state$men <- floor(singles.state$ratios*100)
singles.state$mencol <- floor(singles.state$ratios.col*100)
singles.state$state <- df$state

singles.state$hover1 <- with(singles.state, 
                             paste(state, "<br>", men, " single men per 100 single women" ) )
singles.state$hover2 <- with(singles.state, 
                             paste(state, "<br>", mencol, " single men for every 100 single women" ) )

g <- list(
    scope = 'usa',
    projection = list(type = 'albers usa'),
    showlakes = TRUE,
    lakecolor = toRGB('white')

#singles ratios
plot_ly(singles.state, z = ratios, locations = code, type = 'choropleth',
        locationmode = 'USA-states', color = ratios, colors = 'Purples',
        text = hover1, colorbar = list(title = "Ratio")) %>%
    layout(title = 'Ratio of Single Men to Women Aged 18 to 35 
           <br> (Hover for breakdown)', geo = g)

#college singles ratios
plot_ly(singles.state, z = ratios.col, locations = code, type = 'choropleth',
        locationmode = 'USA-states', color = ratios.col, colors = 'Purples', 
        text = hover2, colorbar = list(title = "Ratio")) %>%
    layout(title = 'Ratio of Colege Educated Single Men to Women <br> (Hover for breakdown)',geo = g)